How do you bring new customers to your company?

Your products and services meet a real need but you are having trouble expanding your market. Your website is online, you have spent months fine tuning your message and getting your online services right but you have yet to see it pay the desired dividend. Sound Familiar?

A long held principle of marketing is Location, Location, Location and it is a principle that holds true more than ever today. The only difference is, in a webbed world, the best location is achieved through a process called SEO.

What is SEO? - Search Engine Optimization
A direct and cost-effective way to expand your market and increase your revenues. Many organizations realize that to make sure their products and services are visible on the web,  it is vital that they obtain a good ranking on the major search engines. It is a direct and cost  effective way to increase your revenues. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is dedicated to improving the ranking  of your website on search engines like Google and Yahoo.

Potential customers will gravitate
The internet has become the first place people will look for a product or service.  The use of broadband connections allows everyone to be permanently online  making use of the search engines.

Search Engines act as a doorway between your customers and you. High ranking in those engines means that more of your potential customers will see your services. This type of visibility, which produces significant business rewards, is the main aim of SEO.

We pay much attention to achieving a good search engine ranking for our clients. We work on the principle that you cannot fool a search engine, the stuff has to be right.

The better your site matches the information people are looking for, the better it will be placed on the search engines.

Qualikom, implements a number of processes to optimize your site: in order to ensure your site properly meets this requirement, 1) Keywords, Phrases and Relevance

Qualikom is able to research the keywords and phrases that are best for your target audience. We can tell you how many times people search on specific keywords - and whether the term is highly contested that you stand no real chance of obtaining a benefit from using it.

We can help you identify search terms that people use to find what you sell. This is the key first step in attracting new customers.

2) Site Design and Architecture

Good site design and architecture is vital to search engine placement. In the same way that a site needs to be easy to use by a customer, it must also be easy for search engines to search.

Search engines generally create and modify their listings by visiting websites, through a process called crawling, in which they index the site using information like the site URL, page title, page text and meta tags as well as page headings, links and image names. Even putting an important word in bold can help improve your listing.

If, while crawling your site, the process hits a barrier, it will often stop indexing your site and move on to one from another company. Features like Flash, Java Script, frame pages and dynamic URLs can all create these barriers and drive down the ability of your site to get indexed and listed on a search engine.

Following a few simple principles in site architecture can mean the difference between a great listing to none at all

Qualikom removes the barriers to indexing. We are able to either construct or modify your site so that it is highly optimized for indexing by a search engine. In some cases you may need to make a choice between the way you would like to see a page and how well you want that page rated on a search engine. Normally however, we can achieve the best of both worlds to achieve your desired look and a good search engine listing result.

3) Site Content: Text that Customers are Looking For
A fundamental building block in SEO is clear and focused site text. If your site does not properly describe your product or service in terms that are consistent with the types of searches being made, search engines will have no reason to direct people to your site. If, however, your site text is clear and authoritative on a product or topic, it is likely to perform extremely well on a search engine.

The better your site content, the better your search engine listing result.

4) Your Site Needs to be Found to be Listed
Getting your website on the internet does not automatically mean you will develop a good search engine listing even if you have taken care to address all the above topics. For your site to be listed it must be indexed, to be indexed the Search Engines must discover your site.

Search engines index sites either by discovery through other site's links or through their online submission processes - some of which are free while others cost hundreds of dollars. Qualikom uses both manual processes and software tools to submit your site for indexing and listing. This often time consuming exercise is one of the final but absolutely necessary steps in achieving a good listing for your site on the search engines.

5) Maintaining Your Position
Once you start seeing positive results through increased site traffic and more orders and enquiries, you will want to make sure you maintain your search engine position.

As part of our SEO services, We provides a monthly review and refinement process. We give a full report on how your site is performing on all the major search engines and can even track this information against your key competitors. Using this report and analysis, we can improve your site's optimization and expand the off site page aspects ensuring that your site is indexed regularly. Additionally, we will track the number of people visiting your site and the number of
business enquiries generated, to ensure your SEO service has a good return on investment

Click here to Contact us for More Details about SEO Services

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Qualikom Canada Inc. is 100% Canadian Owned and Operated.

Always Happy To Serve!